Sunday, January 26, 2014

97. A Prank That She Enjoyed!

Thousand Moon: Shrimati Prabhavati Narayan Deshmukh
Contributed By: Dr. Raghunath Boradkar

Shrimati Prabhavati Narayan Deshmukh will be completing 90 years on the coming 10th February 2014. She lives in Amaravati with her daughter. She had a passion for education and saw to it that all her daughters were educated.

She narrated a small funny incident that looks more like a prank that she enjoyed. As she says she must have been about six or seven years old then. They used to visit their grandparent’s house during the summer vacation.

She remembers that there was a lady there who was bent at the waist to almost 90 degrees. She used to work in the house. As a child and that too mischievous in nature she placed a bowl on her back when she was working. The woman probably did not know or maybe she ignored and went on working. The bowl did not fall off her back as she had expected. She says she also got a queer idea that her back could be used as a table top. On this she had a hearty laugh and was amused and felt good. She says she still remembers the whole episode and it still lightens her face.

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