Shri. B.S.Kolhatkar is 87 years old. He stays alone since his wife's death in 1995.He enjoys good health and according to him leads a tension free life. He has travelled widely in India and abroad. He has a large friend circle and spends his time playing cards watching TV serials and listening to music.
He retired from Indian Railways and was felicitated by them for an excellent service. That he says was his finest day.
But then he has nostalgic memories of his visit to US. He travelled in US alone though he was more than 80 then. He cherishes the memory of his visit to Phoenix Arizona, where he stayed with his granddaughter for 60 days. He describes these sixty days as the GOLDEN DAYS of his life.
He fondly remembers the programs arranged by the Maharashtrian community in Phoenix and has a high praise for them. He is very impressed by the friendly nature of Americans.